Our product GIF to SWF Converter is a professional converter for GIF to SWF conversion. Download and install it to get start. Download ThunderSoft GIF to SWF Converter
Step 1 - Add gif files..
After launching the program, you will see the window below. Add gif files(or bmp, png, jpeg files) you want to convert.
Step 2 - Output setting
Click <More info...> to get more output setting, include SWF version, background color, frame rate, image format, image quality and link to the specified URL.
Step 3 - Change output directory
As default, the output swf file will save to the same directory of the original gif files. You can change to a specified directory.
Step 4 - Convert to swf files
Click <Start> button to start convert to swf files.
ThunderSoft GIF to SWF Converter also supports command line conversion:
EXE <Source file> [Destination file]
If parameter [Destination file] is missing, the output file will keep the original name and save to default directory which can config in software's option.
Example 1:
"C:\Program Files\ThunderSoft\GIF to SWF Converter\Gif2SWF.exe" "C:\test.gif"
Example 2:
"C:\Program Files\ThunderSoft\GIF to SWF Converter\Gif2SWF.exe" "C:\test.gif" "c:\dest.swf"